About the author

Hello! I’m Marcello Barnaba, an Italian computer nerd, born on April, 11th 1981, currently located in Bari, Italy.

My interests range from Software Development to Computer Networks and Security, from Maths to Physics and Astronomy, Sociology… more generally, anything that’s Science related. I do not endorse faith-related thinkings, and I’m hardly capable of remembering something if I haven’t fully grasped the inner workings of a system (of any kind).

I could define myself as a strong follower of the Hacker culture and its way of thinking and open-mindness, but I regret being referred to as a Computer Hacker, because I know that “my wisdom is limited to an awareness of my own ignorance” (Socrates’ principle).

I may be referred to as a Geek or Nerd, and I’m very proud of it :).

I’m a strong advocate of the Open Source Movement and Culture, I try to spend efforts in Open Source software whenever possible – check out my github account.

I write code in many programming languages, I used to spend a lot of time with Ruby, until 2021, and currently I code mostly in Python, golang, rust, and whatever tool fits the bill. I used to write software also in C, C++, Perl, PHP and Erlang. My current favorite programming language is rust and I am having a really great time with it!

I’ve used to work for more than 10yrs for a specialized agency of the United Nations, IFAD, before switching and becoming a satisfied Production Engineer at Meta (formerly known as Facebook, inc) and currently holding the role for almost two years.

I’m a proud father of two wonderful kids, Alessandro and Orlando, currently 3yrs and 2yrs old, the only reason to stay up at night beside writing code ;-).

I travel around for work/technology/security conferences and SCUBA diving, taking photos, writing diaries and enjoying life – that’s too short to wonder why :). I also tweet and share stuff on the interwebs.

Have a good time here on sindro.me!

~Marcello – vjt@openssl.it