Il vero sistemista

- 2 mins read

Car repair

Il vero sistemista e’ un po’ come il meccanico di una volta, quello che se gli portavi la macchina per rifare la convergenza e quando arrivavi sentiva che il minimo non andava bene, ti faceva la convergenza, e giustamente la pagavi, ma poi ti sistemava anche il minimo e non ti chiedeva nulla, lo faceva perche’ non sopportava di sentire una macchina che non era a punto come si deve.

Era quello che da ogni minimo e impercettibile rumore indovinava subito qualsiasi problema, anche quello di cui il cliente non si era ancora accorto.

Era quello che dopo cena a casa con la famiglia, tornava in officina, dove potevi vedere le luci accese fino a notte tarda, perche’ stava lavorando al “suo” gioiello, una qualche macchina semi d’epoca recuperata chissa’ dove che con passione piano piano sistemava fino a farla tornare nuova.

Ecco, il sistemista e’ come quel meccanico, e le sue auto sono i server.

Fonte: Veteran Unix Admins

English version

The real sysadmin is like the old-fashioned car mechanic, the one you brought your car to adjust the wheels’ convergence and when you got into his garage he heard also your engline while idling didn’t have the right RPM. He then fixed the wheels’ convergence and you paid him for it, but he also fixed the engine idling RPM without asking you nothing - he did it because he couldn’t stand a car that was not set up properly.

He is the one that from every tiny and imperceptible noise immediately guessed every car problem, even those the customer did not yet realize.

He is the one that after dinner with family, he went back to his garage, where you could see the lights on until late at night, because he was working at “his” jewel, some old vintage car found who knows where that he was slowly and passionately rejuvenating until it became like new.

The real sysadmin is like that mechanic, and his cars are servers.