If you use github-provided lighthouse integration, from the “Admin” pages of your git repository, you may have stumbled upon on a glitch: every changeset on lighthouse appears as done by the lighthouse user that configured the integration on github.

This happens because lighthouse uses the API token to link changeset authors to LH users, and that’s not good when you’re not alone committing :-).

A simple solution is to use a post-commit hook, as described here, but that’s not satisfactory because it means that every time you issue git commit on your console, the commit message will go public, and if you --amend or reset --soft the index you’ll have to browse to lighthouse and delete the changeset.

A much smarter solution is to push all changed revs when pushing them to github: I modified the original post-commit hook and installed it alongside the git command in $(dirname which git)/git-lh.

This gives me a new git lh command that fetches the current HEAD revision from github using refs/heads/master and POSTs every changeset between that rev and the current tip in the working tree to lighthouse.

So, if you issue git lh before issuing git push, every change you’re pushing to github will go to lighthouse, too.

UPDATE: A simple bash script like:

git lh && git push

saved as git-lh-push saves you from typing two commands when you want to push :).

Have fun!


the git-lh script on github