The obfuscated blinking border

- 1 min read

This is the obfuscated piece of Javascript code that implements the red border and loads Google Analytics on the Segmentation Fault site:

var theLoadSequenceToRunAfterTheDocumentHasBeenLoaded = function() {

  // The blinking border
  (function(t){// (C) 2009 vjt <>
    var $=function(_){return(document.getElementById(_));};var ee =[
    (var i=ee.length;i&&(e=ee[--i]) ;_) {e.className=e.className?'':
    'b';}},t*08); /* .oOo.oOo.oOo. ^^^^^ -*** * *** *** *******- **/
  })((4 + 8 + 15 + 16 + 23 + 42) * Math.PI / Math.E + 42/*166.81*/);

  // Google analytics
  try{var pt=_gat._getTracker("UA-1123581-3"); pt._trackPageview();}

}// end of theLoadSequenceToRunAfterTheDocumentHasBeenLoaded routine

To me, it looks like a contrived melody, or complicated poetry. It’s evil engineering, I know. But when I was writing it, I felt exactly the same I did while writing verses with rhymes. _why’s words are absolutely pertinent here:

until programmers stop acting like obfuscation is morally hazardous, they’re not artists, just kids who don’t want their food to touch.”.

You can view the code with syntax hilighting on github, or with the “View source” function of your browser while you’re on the segfault site. :)