A friend of mine told me that on techie blogs there is a new meme going on: show off the most used commands, starting from shell history:

history | \
awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | \
sort -rn | head -15

I’ve got 20 times the default bash history size (10k lines), so it’ll yield interesting results. I also use the history timestamp feature, so I’ve added a little sed to the code in order to strip timestamps out.

Let’s see:

vjt@voyager:~/code*$* history | 
 sed 's#^[ 0-9\[\/\:]*\]\([^ ]*\).*#\1#' |  
 awk '{a[$1]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | 
 sort -rn | head -15
928 l
577 ssh
389 ping
381 cd
300 dig
259 telnet
153 sudo
126 ifconfig
125 whois
113 ps
96 svn
91 cat
73 fg
68 vi
61 ..

Yeah, I do a LOT of ls, l is actually ls -alFGs (I’m on Darwin). This list exposes my recent habits, because I’m coding less and managing more (no gcc, no irb, lots of dig & whois). svn is still there, of course ;). ssh means that these results should be aggregated with other histories coming from the other boxes I log on to.. but that’s a topic for another post ;).

Which are your results?

Post them here! :D

UPDATE 2008-06-03

As my recent habits are more coding than writing docs, I re-ran the history analysis.. and these are the new results:

1796 l
981 svn
705 ssh
693 cd
666 ping
402 vi
356 ifconfig
352 telnet
321 dig
315 sudo
283 fg
240 grep
188 ..
183 cat
157 ps

UPDATE 2009-02-20

5427 l
4379 git
3128 svn
2812 vi
2105 cd
1408 ping
1392 fg
1328 ssh
935 ifconfig
893 grep
890 sudo
733 rake
653 cat
554 ..
535 ruby

UPDATE 2009-05-24

7374 l
5041 git
3265 vi
3131 svn
2753 cd
1881 ssh
1763 ping
1618 fg
1101 sudo
1100 ifconfig
977 grep
867 cat
767 rake
721 telnet
671 ..

UPDATE 2010-06-01

20517 git
7794 l
1906 cd
1631 rg
1518 vi
1108 rake
1041 cat
1010 ruby
790 sudo
754 fg
676 make
670 script/console
626 rm
496 ping
474 ..

UPDATE 2012-07-23

3367 l
2685 ssh
1289 cd
1013 curl
976 git
857 sudo
815 ping
526 telnet
521 ps
497 cat
472 port
422 fg
400 vi
274 rm
259 dig

Well, this is the result of 2 days of head-banging with lightwindow:

Index: public/javascripts/lightwindow.js, line 444

  _removeLink : function(removed) {
    // remove it from the links array
    this.links = this.links.reject(function(link) {
      if (link == removed.href)
        return true;
    // remove it from the gallery links array
    if (gallery = this._getGalleryInfo(removed.rel)) {
      klass = gallery[0];
      name = gallery[1];
      if (this.galleries[klass] && this.galleries[klass][name]) {
        this.galleries[klass][name] = 
          this.galleries[klass][name].reject(function(link) {
            if (link == removed.href)
              return true;

Call this function from your .rjs template, something like this:

page << "myLightWindow._removeLink($('element').down('a.lightwindow'));"

More details to follow, when this work will be complete ;).

We still can do it

- 1 min read

Well, it seems that I’ve got no reason to be paranoid about my age: I still can do inline like I did (everyday) when I was a bit younger :).

On international workers day, 1st of May, Sam literally carried me out from home, far from the computer, and we went skating. It’s been an awesome day, we skated a lot, and shot some nice photos.

But the real good ones have been shot when ndstr caught us. He is by far the best photographer you could meet, and of course my favorite one (take a look at his site!).

He’s been also a skater, so he knows very very well how and when to shoot in order to take out the most from your tricks :). Here are two of them, portraying me and Sam while doing our best!

Skating Photo

It was fun. Really fun. Thank you Sam for taking me out of home :D.

Oh, and don’t forget to visit my deviantArt, and look at this one :D